Sunday, September 26, 2010

Class of 88 - Amazon Best Sellers List

In the last few years I've been monitoring secondhand sales of the original Class of 88 paperback book and I'm shocked, delighted and gutted i didn't get a royalty on £450 that was once paid on There's a huge difference in prices between the two sites as sometimes on prices can start at £10 and max out at £450. I almost fell over when i saw the £450 but over on the standard price for the book is $350.

I should point out that authors don't receive any royalties on secondhand books and i think its great that someone can read my book and actually earn 500 times the cover price. What i find somewhat disturbing is the fact I've sent many of these sellers a private message congratulating them on the fact they get so much money on this title. I'm polite, courteous and gentle with my words but not one of them have ever replied to my message. 

Two American companies in particular are obviously sourcing the copies wherever they can and putting them up for over $300 dollars each time. These companies have been consistent throughout the time I've been paying attention and must have sold easy a dozen copies each. In effect I've made them a few quid and they wont even reply to my message…

When the new Special Edition Class of 88 comes out in shops next year I'll be swapping brand new signed editions for original copies…

I did a little investigating on the book on amazon and found some other facts that Im also quite proud of. Taking into consideration that the book hasn't been in print for eight years I think the stats speak for themselves...

Amazon (July 2012)

Secondhand copies of this title have been on sale for the past seven years and have sold for £25 - £500.

Amazon Best Sellers Rank - Books (overall) Class of 88 144,225
Amazon Best Sellers List - Alcohol & Drug Abuse - Class of 88 N0.72
Amazon Best Sellers List - Drugs - Class of 88 N0.87

1 comment:

  1. Thankfully i got mine on Ebay for about 20 quid - great read.
