Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Acid House on National Geographic (march 2011)

Wayne Anthony (well a photo and our (Andrew Pritchard, Keith B) parties anyway) on National Geographic, cool, ok it wasn't because i discovered an unknown tribe in the thick jungles of Africa or South America and if i were an explorer of this elk then Im sure i'd be disappointed. Yes there were some misleading statements made on the documentary such as the ICF (West Ham football hooligans) were running our security when in fact only three members of the entire security team ever fought for West Ham. They ran their own warehouse parties. Carlton Leach was one such individual who i should also point out, wasn't under the guise of ICF. They were independent hard men from the shady pubs of London's East End who commanded respect from most of their peers. Originally this was orchestrated by another person who shall remain nameless and if not for this person my two partners and i wouldn't have got out without a few stitches. The east end had to be the obvious choice for our security otherwise an outside firm ran the risk of going against a local firm and thats always going to be messy.

As top policeman Kenneth Tappenden points out, bank robberies in London went down to zero at the time of Acid House. Now that shows two things 1. Bank Robbers put down their weapons and got right on one 2. They shifted attention to the loved-up water guzzling promoters of Acid House or 3. All of the Above.

Kenneth Tappenden also says that he wished he had us as his lieutenant and the military couldn't move people as quick as we did. Fairplay to Kenneth as he was head of the Police Pay Party Unit, the very department set up to stop us...  

My partners Andrew, Keith and I were all 22 years old, totally captivated by Acid House and everything it had to offer. This area of our lives was the most depressing  but we did have a choice. Other than one occasion when we were attacked by some doormen, our security NEVER HURT ANYONE AT GENESIS and it should also be noted that this wasn't New Jack City, where teams of armed guards stood over the dancefloor. Our security were very discreet and polite to everyone so no-one had a clue what was happening behind the scenes until my book Class of 88.


  1. Great post really enjoyed reading and watching that. Was Keith your mate who didn't want to get involved with acid house at the begining?& How come you weren't asked to say a few words?
